Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - November 2022


Making Connections Through Play


I recently attended a webinar from HiMama titled “5 Strategies for Building Stronger Connections with Children”, and there’s one thing I can't stop thinking about after this conversation. In the webinar, Prerna Richards, author from HiMama and owner of Together We Grow, mentioned that social-emotional learning is the bridge between the cognitive and language spheres of the brain. As the webinar progressed, it became clear that my initial reaction was on par with ongoing discussion on the social and emotional benefits of play. Play provides opportunities for neurological intersections and for unique brain connections. The importance of play early on in the lives of people can not be understated. Play helps develop our brains cognitively, through language, and taps into social-emotional learning skills, all quintessential for healthy, happy living down the road.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Play Survey

Calling all Pittsburgh parents, caregivers, teachers, and youth – we need your help! Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative advocates for equitable play opportunities for all people. We need to hear from you to do our best work. That’s why we’re conducting an official Play Survey. If you have 15 - 20 minutes to answer some questions, we’d love to hear from you. We challenge you and your household to participate in this survey! 

Those that participate in the Play Survey will be eligible to win one of ten $25 Visa gift cards.

The survey closes February 1, 2023 and winners will be selected and notified after that date.
Take Our Survey

November 17th In-Person Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Meeting Recap

It was wonderful to see our partners on November 17 for our first in-person meeting since the Collaborative reconvened in January 2022. Here’s what we discussed and accomplished during the meeting:
  • We mixed, mingled, and networked while playing games like Trouble, Chutes and Ladders, You’ve Been Framed, and Candyland. 
  • We brainstormed with Live Well Allegheny about playful ways to get people to engage with their Rethink Your Drink campaign.
  • We took a high-level look at our Asset-Based Community Development JamBoard.
  • We ended our time together by brainstorming the location of Ultimate Play Day 2023. 

Interested in Joining?

There’s great things brewing on the horizon, and we can’t wait to share them with you! Interested in becoming a member of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative? Check out our website. Or email today!
Join Us!

#PlayConnects - Greenfield K8 Turkey Trot

People came together to move and play at Greenfield K8 Turkey Trot which occurred earlier in November! Sharon Ross, Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Human Development at School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh and Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member, borrowed games from Playful Pittsburgh’s Game Library to add more playful opportunities to the event. She summarized the day saying: 

“We had 87 kids who pre-registered, along with their families, show up to run! All kids received a free t-shirt, snacks, and race bib with safety pins. The real feel was in the 20s, but we kept warm by dancing and playing, drinking hot chocolate, and of course, RUNNING! The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative activities and play supplies made the whole day more fun.”

Play Tip: Don’t forget the CDC recommends kids get 60 minutes of physical activity a day while adults need 150 minutes of physical activity a week (just over 20 minutes a day). What better way to get your steps in than through play?

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Member Playhouse

Latest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative member news and updates

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Partner Member Highlight - SLB Radio / Open Studio

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member SLB Radio Productions, Inc. recently unveiled their Open Studio at the Youth Media Center (YMC), a free after school program for teens in grades 6-12 who are interested in podcasting and media creation. SLB Radio’s Director of Programs, Deanna Baringer, shared their story about why Open Studio is a great, playful space for teens to explore future opportunities in media.
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Carnegie Mellon University Launches Center for Transformational Play

Carnegie Mellon University has announced that the School of Computer Science is launching the Center for Transformational Play. The research center will invite collaborations with faculty, students and staff from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII); the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC); the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy; the College of Fine Arts; the Integrative Design, Arts and Technology (IDeATe) Network; the Neuroscience Institute; and programs focused on psychology and sociology.
Learn More

Upcoming Playful Events and Activities

Local programming from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative members.
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Trying Together Events

Event Update: UnConference: Race Equity in Practice

Trying Together in partnership with The Frick Pittsburgh will host Unconference: Race Equity and Practice on Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration will open on Friday, December 2, 2022.

Keynote speaker Dr. Rosemarie Allen will be presenting “Aware is Only Halfway There: Concrete Strategies for Supporting Children’s Racial Identity Development. Are you Ready?” Dr. Allen will discuss how awareness of racial equity is important, but not enough.

Register Now

Save the Date: Trying Together Annual Celebration Dinner

Trying Together's Annual Celebration Dinner will be held on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at Acrisure Stadium. The celebration dinner honors early care and education professionals during Month of the Young Child for the important work they do daily. Stay tuned for information and registration details

Before You Go...

Share Your Playful Events

Are you hosting an event and want to get the word out about it? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative can help! We’re happy to promote your playful event on our website, through our newsletter, and through social media. Visit the link to our Event Submission Form, and let us take care of the rest!

If you have questions, reach out to us at

Game Rental Form

Did you know that Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has a vast library of games, playboxes, and equipment to help you infuse play into your next event? Did you know that we recently updated our Google Form? That’s because we have a slew of new games and equipment that we can’t wait for you to borrow at no cost. If your organization has an event approaching, borrow some games or play equipment, and make the day one for the scrapbooks!
Borrow Games and Equipment

"We get so wrapped up in numbers in our society. The most important thing is that we are able to be one-to-one, you and I with each other at the moment. If we can be present to the moment with the person that we happen to be with, that's what's important."

— Fred Rogers


Copyright © 2022 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Adam James Zahren/ Assistant Director 
(412) 421-3889

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - October 2022


#SensoryPlay, and What It Means for Children and Adults

Stop, Look, and Listen 

As we dive into the concept of #SensoryPlay this month, I encourage you, no matter your age, to stop, look, and listen. We spend so much time running, buzzing, and moving through space, we forget to slow down and notice our surroundings, process what we see, smell, hear, and taste, and be truly present. It’s easy for adults to forget about the power of place, the effect of an environment, and the influence of sensation since we’re wrapped up in daily hullabaloo that seems to effectively numb us. This month, create an intentional change of pace in life. Take a moment to observe the world around you. Tap into the power of your senses. Take time this month to simply be: be in the world, be in your body, and be with yourself. 

When was the last time you noticed how soft or scratchy your shirt felt? Or how long has it been since you took a deep breath and paid attention to the temperature of the air as it flows through your nose or mouth? What about where you were the last time you noticed how puffy the clouds seemed or how big the moon appeared? Engaging with the senses not only increases our capacity to make astute observations or be self aware, it also means we’re attune to more opportunities of play. 

You might consider singing a song or writing a poem about the way the shirt on your back helps you relax or makes you scratch; how can you incorporate breathing exercises into your day to reinvigorate or relax you; why not paint, draw, or color something that you can share with someone? Connecting to our senses connects us to ourselves, our environments, and the people in our lives. 

Through my reading, I noticed a prominent trend that the benefits of sensory play are predominantly associated with groups of people like children or those with differing abilities. I’d like to stake a claim in the conversation that sensory play benefits every person, regardless of age or ability, and sensory play allows anyone to engage with the world in an atypical-modern-day way. Sensory play helps us all to slow down, practice mindfulness, and be present. It affords us discoveries of new insights about ourselves while connecting us in new ways with the people around us. 

How do you use your senses when you play? We’d love to hear about it! Remember play is also a mindset that incorporates curiosity, presence, and fun!

 - Adam James, Assistant Director, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
#SensoryPlay How Do You Play?

DIY Playful Sensory Activity

We love a good art project at Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative! With the sight of multi-colored leaves on trees and the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet, we were inspired to try a seasonal art activity perfect for all senses. Won't you join us by getting crafty with leaves?!

Check out the activities below. Then, send a picture of your leaf activity to us so that we can share them on social media (and so that our assistant director, Adam James, can hang your project in their office)? Email a picture of your finished product to Adam at

Playful Learning Landscapes (PLL) Features Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative’s Ultimate Play Day in Playful Learning Cities Video

A local, recently renovated Pittsburgh space, Liberty Green Park, was featured in PLL's latest video which also highlighted scenes from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Ultimate Play Day 2022!
Playful Learning Landscapes introduced its PLL City Network, which is helping to build momentum and engagement around playful learning in urban areas across the U.S. and abroad.

The video highlights the annual Ultimate Play Day event, which is held in Pittsburgh and hosted by Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Member Playhouse

Latest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative member news and updates
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is constantly growing to help advocate for play in and around Pittsburgh!

Welcome our Newest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members! 
  • Communities in Schools
  • Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • CitiParks
  • Child in Mind Consulting
Get to know the organizations and individuals joining the Pittsburgh Playful Collaborative as its newest members!
New Member Profiles

Become a Member of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Are you part of an organization that values play? Do you want to get involved with an initiative with like-minded folks dedicated to advancing the role of play in their own work, lives, and communities? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is just the space for you!

We’re always looking for new members, and we’d love to have you in the conversation. If you’re interested in joining the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, please contact us at or fill out this form and our Assistant Director Adam James will contact you!

Join Us!

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and International Play Association

As of July of 2022, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative signed on to be an official member of the International Play Association (IPA).

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Upcoming Playful Events and Activities

Local programming from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative members.
Featured Event: BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ at The Hub!
Wednesday, 11/9 | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Join Buzzword for food, crafts/activities, music, dancing, and of course, plenty of reading opportunities for children.

Those that attend will also get an opportunity to explore a “BUZZ Box”, a family engagement kit complete with a high-quality children's book and enriching activities that support early literacy skills and development.

Dinner will be served from 5:30 - 5:55 p.m. From 6 - 7 p.m., there will be a number of activities from the following Buzzword Collaborative Member organizations:
  • Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
  • Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
  • Carnegie Science Center
  • Trying Together / The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center
Carlow’s Dyslexia Center and Learning Lab will also be available to talk about literacy offerings and provide resources.
Event Details

Additional Playful Events In Pittsburgh

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#SensoryPlay Resources

Sensory play is a tool for people of all ages and backgrounds that helps ground and connect us with the world and people around us. There are plenty of ways to access this information online, but Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has curated a list for you to access. You’ll find resources geared for young people, tailored to adults, and framed for a range of abilities.

These articles, webinars, and videos are a great place to start for a better understanding of sensory play in practice.

Click on the topic that feels right for you to learn more. 
Sensory Play for Young People Resources
Sensory Play Adult Resources
Sensory Play Webinar Opportunities

New Game Rental Form

Did you know that Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has a vast library of games, playboxes, and equipment to help you infuse play into your next event? Did you know that we recently updated our Google Form? That’s because we have a slew of new games and equipment that we can’t wait for you to borrow at no cost. If your organization has an event approaching, borrow some games or play equipment, and make the day one for the scrapbooks!
Borrow Games and Equipment

Share Your Playful Events with the Collaborative

Are you hosting an event and you want to get the word out about it? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative can help! We developed this tool just for you. Simply visit the link to our Event Submission Form, and select the channels you’d like your event promoted through (including Kidsburgh), and let us take care of the rest!
We’re happy to promote your playful event on our website, through our newsletter, and through social media. If you have questions, reach out to us at
Submit Your Event

"There are many ways for organisms to probe the external world. Some smell it, others listen to it, many see it. Each species, therefore, lives in its own unique sensory world of which other species may be
partially or totally unaware."

–  Richard Axel, American Molecular Biologist 


Copyright © 2022 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Adam James Zahren/ Assistant Director 
(412) 421-3889

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - September 2022


#HowDoYouPlay With School Back in Session?

Welcome Back!

As a child, recess was built into my day, but there were seemingly random times when our teacher would tell the class, “It’s time to play ‘Seven Up’!” With that phrase, the room exploded, the clamoring commenced, and the energy uplifted. “Seven Up” became a favorite recess pastime in elementary school. The game was simple enough: seven people stood at the front of the room, and everyone else rested their head on their desk, closed their eyes, and waited in unnerving silence. In that quiet classroom space, the seven people standing began to tip-toe around the room, lightly touching the shoulder of an anticipating (although unsuspecting) classmate. When all seven people made their choice, they returned to the front of the room.

Next came the heat of the game. Those who were tapped on the shoulder stood next to their seat, and then declared who they thought nudged them. If you made the correct guess, you swapped places with the person standing in the front of the room who tapped your shoulder, and you got to be an active agent in the game. If you were wrong, you sat back down, as the people who might have selected you giggled, swayed in place, and maybe tapped their foot to no particular rhythm.

This was a perfect game to kick off the start of the school year. This time of the year was always exciting for me because it helped me connect with friends, play, and learn twists on common games from other classmates. As the school year kicks off, remember that play doesn’t have to stop. 

We want to know, #HowDoYouPlay when leaves start to change and the school year returns? Did you play “Seven Up” in elementary school, or did you play another schoolyard favorite like “Red Rover,” “Red Light, Green Light,” or “Four Square”? Take a trip down memory lane and share with us ways you played when school kicked back into full swing!

 - Adam James, Assistant Director, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Back to School #HowDoYouPlay?

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's #BeKind21 Campaign Recap

Adam James Zahren answered 21 questions about kindness and what kindness means to them as a part of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative #BeKind21 campaign.
We’re celebrating our successful #BeKind21campaign! You probably noticed our social media accounts promoting this hashtag throughout September. #BeKind21 is a campaign organized by Lady Gaga’s organization, Born This Way Foundation. During the first 21 days of September, participants were encouraged to practice kindness each day in order to make being kind a habit. Watch our video above to check out our 21 #BeKind21 questions with Adam!

You can also check out Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative’s #BeKind21 social media campaign recap.
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative’s #BeKind21 Campaign

NEW Game Rental Form

Did you know that Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has a vast library of games, playboxes, and equipment to help you infuse play into your next event? Did you know that we recently updated our Google Form? That’s because we have a slew of NEW games and equipment that we can’t wait for you to borrow at no cost. If your organization has an event approaching, borrow some games or play equipment, and make the day one for the scrapbooks!
Borrow Games and Equipment

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Member Playhouse

Latest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative member news and updates
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is constantly growing to help advocate for play in and around Pittsburgh!

Welcome our Newest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members! 
  • Kenny's in Homewood
  • Family Foundations
  • Lion of Judah Enterprises
  • Carnegie Mellon Entertainment and Technology Center
  • Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition
Get to know the organizations and individuals joining the Pittsburgh Playful Collaborative as its newest members!
New Member Profiles
What Our Playful Members Are Up To! - Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy was recently awarded a $235,000 grant from the
Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust to plan, design and conduct community engagement for an outdoor sensory classroom at the Frick Environmental Center (FEC). 
Read More About Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

Become a Member of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Are you part of an organization that values play? Do you want to get involved with an initiative with like-minded folks dedicated to advancing the role of play in their own work, lives, and communities? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is just the space for you!

We’re always looking for new members, and we’d love to have you in the conversation. If you’re interested in joining the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, please contact us at or fill out this form and our Assistant Director Adam James will contact you!

Join Us!

Playful Happenings Around Pittsburgh

Events and activities around Pittsburgh encouraging and advocating for play
  • Be A Good Neighbor Block Parties (University of Pittsburgh)
    • The University of Pittsburgh held four block parties with a totally of almost 600 long-term and student residents in South Oakland, North Oakland, Oakcliffe and Oakland Square.
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  • Back to School Community Birth Doula Fundraiser (Kangaroo Birthing & Maternity Concierge)
    • Kangaroo Birthing & Maternity Concierge held a Community Day fundraiser to benefit the organization’s mommy concierge to continue to provide maternal health education.
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Upcoming Playful Events and Activities

Local programming from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative members.
Featured Event: UnConference: Race Equity in Practice
Saturday, 10/22 | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Trying Together, in partnership with The Frick Pittsburgh, will host Unconference: Race Equity and Practice.

Keynote speaker Dr. Rose Marie Allen will be presenting “Aware is Only Halfway There: Concrete Strategies for Supporting Children’s Racial Identity Development. Are you Ready?” Dr. Allen will discuss how awareness of racial equity is important, but not enough.

Registration is now open and specific workshop dates and times will be added.
UnConference Registration

Additional Playful Events In Pittsburgh

Find More Events

ICYMI: "Play is Learning” Interview w/ Emily Neff of Trying Together

Trying Together was recently featured on an episode of the Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience podcast. In this episode titled “Play is Learning,” Emily Neff, Director of Public Policy for Trying Together, discusses the achievement gap in early childhood education, resources for teachers, and the importance of play for children today.
Listen Here

#HowDoYouPlay Back To School Resources

Early Childhood Resources
Teen Resources
Adult Resources

Share Your Playful Events with the Collaborative

Are you hosting an event and you want to get the word out about it? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative can help! We developed this tool just for you 🤗.Simply visit the link to our Event Submission Form, and select the channels you’d like your event promoted through (including Kidsburgh), and let us take care of the rest!
We’re happy to promote your playful event on our website, through our newsletter, and through social media. If you have questions, reach out to us at
Submit Your Event

"Play gives children a chance to practice what they’re learning."

–  Fred Rogers


Copyright © 2022 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Adam James Zahren/ Assistant Director 
(412) 421-3889

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative August 2022 Newsletter

The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Encourages You to #PlayWithYourFood!


When I think about #PlayWithYourFood, I am reminded of how as a child, my brother and I were excessively messy eaters. In fact, when we would go to our grandparents’ house for Sunday dinner, my Grandpap insisted on laying a tarp down under our highchairs so the floor could avoid the inevitable assault of our descending food crumbs, bits, and medium-sized morsels. The tarp was playful– it had a cartoon baby all over it contorting its face into various, wacky expressions. There’s an abundance of lost photographs of my brother’s grinning face plastered with pasta and sauce or cake and icing after chowing down, using his fingers as fleshy utensils.


The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Encourages You to #PlayWithYourFood!


When I think about #PlayWithYourFood, I am reminded of how as a child, my brother and I were excessively messy eaters. In fact, when we would go to our grandparents’ house for Sunday dinner, my Grandpap insisted on laying a tarp down under our highchairs so the floor could avoid the inevitable assault of our descending food crumbs, bits, and medium-sized morsels. The tarp was playful– it had a cartoon baby all over it contorting its face into various, wacky expressions. There’s an abundance of lost photographs of my brother’s grinning face plastered with pasta and sauce or cake and icing after chowing down, using his fingers as fleshy utensils. 

I think about how we were given a lot of food freedom: the opportunity to grab our cuisine between our phalanges, feel it, engage it with as many senses as we could unconsciously muster before finally settling on taste, then digesting it. These days, my brother and I are not picky eaters. We’ll try anything, if given the opportunity. When kids get the chance to play with their food, they get to know what they’re eating, and there’s less to be fearful of when it comes time to munch on it.
Image of Adam’s brother, Josh, circa 1999
Were you a particularly messy eater? The photo above showcases my dear brother and his effort to munch a cupcake while simultaneously striking a pose and giving the camera a vogue, living in the moment while pretending to be an airplane, or performing his favorite part of the classic wedding song – “The Chicken Dance.” The look on his face fills me with joy, and the layer of icing and cake clinging to his face and fingers simply tickles my heartstrings. My brother has since grown out of his messy eater habits, (as have I) and he’s enjoying authentic German cuisine right now! (He’s a German teacher in Rhode Island in his routine life, but presently he is in the business of visiting Cologne in preparation for a trip he’ll take his students on next year).

Those I know who were experimental, messy, and unafraid of making mistakes with their eating process and style at one point or another in life grew up to do great things. It’s just culinary curiosity, it’s just seasoned sensory stimulation, it's just part of becoming who you are. So, for sweet potato sake, #PlayWithYourFood!

 - Adam James, Assistant Director, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Welcome Our Newest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Partners!

The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is a group of organizations dedicated to advancing the importance of play in the lives of children, families and communities in the Pittsburgh region. Today, we would like to acknowledge and welcome the newest members of the Collaborative!

Wesley Family Services Foster Grandparent Program and Premier Chess, we’re glad to be working alongside you to promote play! Thank you for all you do for the community, and we can’t wait to collaborate with you!
Meet Our New Members

What Are Our Playful Partners Up To? - Open Field, Justin Forzano

Did you know there was a day in August dedicated to celebrating global play? One of our partners threw a soccer and science bash to celebrate for more than 75 refugee youth in Crafton Heights and Northview Heights.

Have you heard of Open Field? It’s an organization whose mission is to improve the lives and futures of youth through sport. Meet Justin Forzano, Open Field’s Founder and CEO. Justin told us about what he and his organization did for Global Day of Play 2022. 
Discover More About Open Field

Become Part of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

If you’re interested in joining the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, please contact us at, or fill out this form and our Assistant Director, Adam James will contact you!

Contact Us

#PlayWithYourFood Resources

Tasting new and different food and finding food items we love eating is a major part of our everyday lives from early childhood through senior adulthood, wouldn’t you say? Playing with your food as a child has many developmental and learning benefits. As a parent or caregiver, incorporating playful tendencies while preparing or eating meals with children can help with “picky eating,” and generally provide more openness to new and different tastes and textures. Children can also learn important life skill lessons, such as counting, decision-making, and organization.
Find More Resources

"Play is Learning” Interview w/ Emily Neff of Trying Together

Trying Together was recently featured on an episode of the Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience podcast. In this episode titled “Play is Learning,” Emily Neff, Director of Public Policy for Trying Together, discusses the achievement gap in early childhood education, resources for teachers, and the importance of play for children today.
Listen Here

#PlayTrend: Playful Outdoor Spaces

Playfulness and play can trend just like any hashtag on social media. This month, we’re focusing on giving you the trendiest outdoor play space insights. Maybe your local playground already incorporates some of these elements, but we're passing along the hippest recommendations of our favorite places in town where you can find some of these fun and interactive trends in action. (Just wait until you get a chance to check out the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy activity sheets!)

Show and tell us why you love your playground destination! Tag us on social media with #PlayTrend next time you engage with any of these trending pieces of equipment, or make your own #PlayTrend by showing us the thing on the playground you love to have fun with most.
Discover More Trends

Upcoming Playful Events and Activities

Local programming from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative partners

Featured Event: Remake Learning’s Big Remake Bash
Thursday, 9/15 | 6:30 - 9 p.m.

Join Remake Learning for a celebration 15 years in the making that’s rooted in the practices of igniting, engaging, relevant, and equitable learning experiences for young people throughout the greater Pittsburgh region. There will be a creative, interactive program that will take place at the New Hazlett Theater on Thursday September 15th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and will be followed by a celebratory reception with food and drink in the Museum Lab next door until 9 p.m. It’s bound to be a great time.

We’d be remiss to not mention that APOST, The Mentoring Partnership, and Trying Together are co-hosting a Pre-Bash Happy Hour from 4:30 - 6 p.m. at the National Aviary in honor of Remake Learning’s 15th anniversary. Come meet, mingle, celebrate, and enjoy free food and drinks with us!

Learn More & Register

Additional Events In Pittsburgh 

Find More September Events



Other Playful Resources 

Share Your Playful Events with the Collaborative

Thank you to all our partners who submitted their playful events happening around the city. Are you interested in promoting your event through Playful Pittsburgh’s Newsletter, website, and social media? We’d love to help you spread the word about your upcoming event! Simply visit the link to our Event Submission Form, and we’ll take care of the rest. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to send them our way via email We’d love to hear from you, and, per usual, we’d be happy to help!
Submit Your Event

Request Play Materials

Interested in learning more about, discovering, and borrowing some of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative’s oversized games and interactive equipment? Make your next event more amazing than usual through the incorporation of fun, engaging activities for folks of any age!

We have updated our borrowing form! You’ll discover new games, equipment, and signage to help make your event playful and fun for everyone. We refreshed our playbox sets as well! We’re excited to help you make your next event the best, most playful one yet!

Don’t delay, submit your game borrow request today!
Borrow Play Equipment

"If music be the food of love, play on."

–  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Copyright © 2022 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Adam James Zahren/ Assistant Director 
(412) 421-3889

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative February Newsletter

Playful Spotlight

West Liberty University's Center for Arts and Education has continued to show how play is an integral part of the work they do. For Global School Play Day, we played with students from Bethlehem Elementary and West Liberty Elementary on the Topper Play Trail as part of their Play for Change grant!

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
View this email in your browser
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
KRUNK performers at Elizabeth Street Bridge mural dedication. Photo: Ben Filio
Join the Recess Advocacy Team on Wednesday, February 26th from 4:30-6:30 pm for our second Recess: A Community Conversation (The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and Trying Together are the lead organizations for the Recess Advocacy Team).

Through playful activities and conversation, we'd like to learn more about your school recess experiences.

Play at MuseumLab for FREE from 4:30-5:30 and join us from 5:30-6:30 for pizza and conversation. Please register below.
Register for Recess: A Community Conversation

Playful Spotlight

West Liberty University's Center for Arts and Education has continued to show how play is an integral part of the work they do. For Global School Play Day, we played with students from Bethlehem Elementary and West Liberty Elementary on the Topper Play Trail as part of their Play for Change grant!

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. 

February 1, 2020
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Carnegie Science Center

Building Play into STEM Education

Through interactive exhibits, awe-inspiring live science demonstrations, and engaging camps and workshops, Carnegie Science Center offers visitors of all ages and interests a variety of interactive experiences in science and technology.  Featuring four floors of 200+ opportunities for structured and unstructured play, the Science Center builds play right into its formula for fun, fulfilling STEM education.

One of the Science Center’s newest exhibitions brings play to the forefront with its use of a familiar toy: building bricks of all shapes and sizes. Bricksburgh features building challenges, interactive experiences, demonstration areas, and free play zones, all designed to encourage visitors to explore the power of creativity. Visitors take on the roles of architects, artists, builders, and engineers. 


Visit to learn more about the work of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative!
"To the art of working well a civilized race would add the art of playing well."
— George Santayana

Copyright © 2020 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative December Newsletter

Happy December!

As 2019 winds to a close, we hope you've continued to find time to play, made time for joy and had your curiosity piqued. 

Our KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Challenge team is continuing work on the Hazelwood Play Trail and everything will be unveiled in January! In the meantime, check out some pictures of the planning and implementation at Dylamato's Market and the YGarden on our website here:

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Building a bridge at Propel Hazelwood's Family Feast
Happy December!
As 2019 winds to a close, we hope you've continued to find time to play, made time for joy and had your curiosity piqued. 

Our KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Challenge team is continuing work on the Hazelwood Play Trail and everything will be unveiled in January! In the meantime, check out some pictures of the planning and implementation at Dylamato's Market and the YGarden on our website here:

Have a wonderful holiday season and we'll see you in 2020!

In the meantime, here's a quick peek of some of the playing we've done in the last month:
Visit our website to learn more!

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

December 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Venture Outdoors

Play ALL Year 'Round Outside!

It’s a cold, November afternoon. It’s sunny and students at Phillips Recreation Center know they have Venture Outdoors today. “Are we going outside?” they ask cheerfully. “Yes, we are!” 

As temperatures drop and Pittsburgh starts to see snow, Venture Outdoors will continue going outdoors with students because the benefits of the great outdoors never stops. To name a few, getting outdoors increases attention span, decreases stress, allows kids to learn new skills, and practice creativity and problem solving.


"Whoever wants to understand much must play much."
— Gottfried Benn

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Play for Change Video Release

What is play?
 We asked people in our region "What is play?" and here's what they said! This video was created in partnership with our Play for Change grantees. 

We hope you'll find time to play today and every day!
-The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Will you join us this Thursday?
Join the Recess Advocacy Team this Thursday, November 7th from 6-7:30 pm for Recess: A Community Conversation (The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and Trying Together are the lead organizations for the Recess Advocacy Team).

Through playful activities and conversation, we'd like to learn more about your school recess experiences.

Dinner will be provided. Please register below.
Register for Recess: A Community Conversation


Recess: A Community Conversation

Thursday, November 7, 2019
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Frick Environmental Center
2005 Beechwood Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Monthly Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

November 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Khyla Freeman, United Way's APOST Youth Wellness Associate

Play from Childhood to Adulthood

What does “play” mean to me? As I begin to think about this answer, so many things begin to pop into my head. The google definition of play is to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. The word that stuck out to me the most was “serious” because play is not supposed to be a serious moment. When people think of play, they normally relate it to children, but play can be in your everyday life as an adult. I am going to take you on a journey on how play evolved for me and you will find that it is not that different from the things I chose to do as a kid.


"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn."
— O. Fred Donaldson (Pulitzer nominated author, and renowned play researcher)

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative November Newsletter

Will you join us this Thursday?
 Join the Recess Advocacy Team this Thursday, November 7th from 6-7:30 pm for Recess: A Community Conversation (The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and Trying Together are the lead organizations for the Recess Advocacy Team).

Through playful activities and conversation, we'd like to learn more about your school recess experiences.

TT-RecessCC Flyer_FIN.jpg

Will you join us this Thursday?
 Join the Recess Advocacy Team this Thursday, November 7th from 6-7:30 pm for Recess: A Community Conversation (The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and Trying Together are the lead organizations for the Recess Advocacy Team).

Through playful activities and conversation, we'd like to learn more about your school recess experiences.


Recess: A Community Conversation

Thursday, November 7, 2019
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Frick Environmental Center
2005 Beechwood Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Monthly Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

November 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Khyla Freeman, United Way's APOST Youth Wellness Associate

Play from Childhood to Adulthood

What does “play” mean to me? As I begin to think about this answer, so many things begin to pop into my head. The google definition of play is to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. The word that stuck out to me the most was “serious” because play is not supposed to be a serious moment. When people think of play, they normally relate it to children, but play can be in your everyday life as an adult. I am going to take you on a journey on how play evolved for me and you will find that it is not that different from the things I chose to do as a kid.


"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn."
— O. Fred Donaldson (Pulitzer nominated author, and renowned play researcher)

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative October Newsletter

Have you played today?

With warmer weather on it's way out and the leaves changing, it's the perfect time of year to play outside! Join the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative at these upcoming events:

  • Kickoff events for the Neighborhood Play Stop Project (3 total)

  • Kids Day at Schenley Plaza

  • Lawrenceville Farmers Market

Follow our events calendar to learn more.

Whatever way you choose to play, make sure you do it everyday!

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Costume play at Alphabet Trail and Tales 2019
Have you played today?
With warmer weather on it's way out and the leaves changing, it's the perfect time of year to play outside! Join the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative at these upcoming events:
  • Kickoff events for the Neighborhood Play Stop Project (3 total)
  • Kids Day at Schenley Plaza
  • Lawrenceville Farmers Market
Follow our events calendar to learn more.

Whatever way you choose to play, make sure you do it everyday!
Visit our website to learn more!


Dylamato's Play Stop Kickoff

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Dylamato's Market                                  5414 Second Ave., Hazelwood

Lawrenceville Farmers Market

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
4:00pm  7:00pm
250 40th St., Lawrenceville

Kids' Day at Schenley Plaza

Sunday, October 13, 2019
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Schenley Plaza                               4100 Forbes Ave., Oakland

Hazelwood Fall Festival and YGarden Play Stop Kickoff

Saturday, October 26, 2019
4:30pm  7:30pm

Member Spotlight

The Community Health Department at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh highly values poignant health education and preventative wellness. We know that play has a role in both and that experience is a great teacher. This combined with our passion for positive and productive collaboration made membership an easy decision.

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

October 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Play and Literacy

There are a number of things parents and caregivers can do to support the development of their young child’s early literacy skills. Among them are five simple activities. You might guess that one of the activities is reading, but did you know that another is playing?  Promoted by the Every Child Ready to Read initiative, I love these practices for two reasons: they’re doable for parents and caregivers and they can be adapted to suit a child’s individual learning needs. And each of them can be done playfully to maximize learning and keep young children engaged. Read on to discover some specific ways to include children of all abilities in these early literacy skill building practices!

"This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
— Alan Watts

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative September Newsletter

What an exciting and play-filled summer we had here at the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative! We're thrilled that the mural, Time Travelers, by Sandy Kessler-Kaminski and Edith Abeyta (and many community volunteers as well) is complete at the Elizabeth Street Park. This project has been ongoing for many years. Next time you're in Hazelwood, be sure to stop by the newly completed park (complete with a matching path linking the two crosswalks, thanks to Dan from DOMI).

Stay tuned to our website to learn more about the work of the Play Collaborative as we move into the fall and winter.

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Young girls holding jump ropes at park event
Photo by Ben Filio courtesy Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
What an exciting and play-filled summer we had here at the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative! We're thrilled that the mural, Time Travelers, by Sandy Kessler-Kaminski and Edith Abeyta (and many community volunteers as well) is complete at the Elizabeth Street Park. This project has been ongoing for many years. Next time you're in Hazelwood, be sure to stop by the newly completed park (complete with a matching path linking the two crosswalks, thanks to Dan from DOMI).

Stay tuned to our website to learn more about the work of the Play Collaborative as we move into the fall and winter.
Visit our website to learn more!


Alphabet Trail and Tales

Saturday, September 14, 2019
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Blue Slide Park - Frick Park


Monday, September 23, 2019
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
The O'Reilly Theater

Member Spotlight

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh values play as a mode of learning. Play is one of the five early learning activities that supports early learners in developing early literacy skills and getting ready to read. CLP features play and playfulness in programs the support learners of all ages.

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. This post is an archive from 2016 

November 22, 2016
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Let's Move Pittsburgh

5-2-1-0:The Formula for Healthy Families

Let’s Move Pittsburgh, a collaborative program of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens that aims to improve children’s health and wellness, is a proud member of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative. Play is important for the growth and development of healthy children and even plays a role in helping us make nutritious food choices and maintaining an active lifestyle. We are keeping it playful with our new movement, 5-2-1-0, which reinforces healthy lifestyle choices that benefit local kids and their families.


"This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
— Alan Watts

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative August Newsletter

We're incredibly excited to announce the completion of a mural on the Elizabeth Street Bridge in Hazelwood! Two Hazelwood artists, along with many Hazelwood residents and youth, completed the mural as part of the ongoing work on the Hazelwood Play Trail. The mural (partially seen above), depicts historic places and moments in Hazelwood along with two residents.

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Let's Play!
We're incredibly excited to announce the completion of a mural on the Elizabeth Street Bridge in Hazelwood! Two Hazelwood artists, along with many Hazelwood residents and youth, completed the mural as part of the ongoing work on the Hazelwood Play Trail. The mural (partially seen above), depicts historic places and moments in Hazelwood along with two residents.

Join us to celebrate the ribbon-cutting for the mural on Wednesday August 28th. More information in our events listing below.

We hope you're having a playful summer!
Visit our website to learn more!


Kindergarten, Here I Come!

Saturday August 17, 2019
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh

Lawrenceville Farmers Market

Tuesday, August 20, 2019
250 40th Street Pgh, PA 15201


Nature Play Date

Sunday August 25, 2019
Frick Environmental Center

Elizabeth Street Park and Mural Ribbon Cutting

Wednesday August 28, 2019
Corner of Roma Way and Gloster Streets, Hazelwood 15207

Member Spotlight

* Trying Together is a founding partner


Play is the basis for all learning and especially in the early year's of an individual's life. Play is imagining, it's risky and full of trial and error. It's both loud and quiet, spontaneous and planned. It's through these experiences that we build our sense of self and the world around us. 

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

August 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh

Play and Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a big step!

Mr. Rogers said it best: “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” At Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, we understand the importance of play for all aspects of healthy development and successful learning, and this special, playful day for rising Kindergarteners will ensure an optimal transition for their big year!


"People tend to forget that play is serious."
— David Hockney (british painter)

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director
(412)421-3889 ext. 115

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative July Newsletter

We hope you're surviving the heat and finding ways to play! Read on to learn about opportunities to play with the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, a new blog post and more!

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Happy July!
We hope you're surviving the heat and finding ways to play! Read on to learn about opportunities to play with the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, a new blog post and more!
Check out our website


Bike Hazelwood
Saturday, July 13, 2019
10:00am  2:00pm
Elizabeth Street Parklet

Roving Art Cart
Friday, July 19, 2019
10:00am  1:00pm
Highland Park--Farmhouse Playground

KidsPlay at Market Square
Saturday, July 20, 2019
10:00am  1:00pm
Market Square

Roving Art Cart
Thursday, July 25, 2019
10:00am  1:00pm
Burgwin Spray Park (Hazelwood) 

Member Spotlight

Riverlife- "Since joining the collaborative, Riverlife now looks at ways of presenting our work in urban planning and design in a more accessible, fun, engaging manner. That spirit is reflected in every outreach and community event in which we participate."

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

July 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Playing in the Community

The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative loves to play in the Pittsburgh area. In raising awareness that play is beneficial for all people, as well as inspiring others through playful activities, we are having a summer full of excitement and play!

"The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery."
— Erik Erikson

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director
(412)421-3889 ext. 115

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative June Newsletter

To help us remember to play every day, and to spread our message of the importance of play, the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative created this Play Poster, a free resource that is available in digital and print formats. Unveiled at Ultimate Play Day on May 19th, the poster is available to download. Read more about the poster and download it here. Thank you to Medina Jackson, MSW, from the P.R.I.D.E. Program for the inspiring quote!

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
To help us remember to play every day, and to spread our message of the importance of play, the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative created this Play Poster, a free resource that is available in digital and print formats. Unveiled at Ultimate Play Day on May 19th, the poster is available to download. Read more about the poster and download it here. Thank you to Medina Jackson, MSW, from the P.R.I.D.E. Program for the inspiring quote!

Speaking of Ultimate Play Day...thank you to those of you who were able to join us! More photos coming soon, but we're so grateful to the Whitehall Public Library, BCAP, Global Wordsmiths, Whitehall Borough Police and all of our wonderful partners who made the day a success. 

See a preview of some Ultimate Play Day photos below. All photos available on our website soon! 
Photos: Ben Filio for the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Member Spotlight

*Carnegie Museum of Art is a founding partner

Being a part of the Play Collaborative has directed us to be more involved with other organizations and to be part of community based programs and projects. This helps us keep play top of mind for our internal programming, and thinking about experience broadly rather than narrower interpretation of works of art. 

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. 

June 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

Nature Provides: Play in the Park

“I thought we were going to the park!” For many children, the word park is synonymous with playground. When students arrive for a field trip to Frick Park , many are confused when they step off the bus and are greeted with a scene of woodlands, meadows, and streams. Their preconceived notion of “park” does not match what they see in front of them, but despite the lack of expensive playground equipment, this natural space has plenty of play opportunities.

"Today We Will Play!"
— Medina Jackson

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director
(412)421-3889 ext. 115

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative May Newsletter

We Need More Words for Play!

Exciting news!:

  • Check out the new article that members of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative wrote for Planetizen, the independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields. We Need More Words For Play.

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Photo Courtesy: Ben Filio for The Sprout Fund
We Need More Words for Play!
Exciting news!:
  • Check out the new article that members of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative wrote for Planetizen, the independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields. We Need More Words For Play.
  • Edith Abeyta and Sandy Kessler-Kaminski have been selected as the artists to create a mural for the Elizabeth Street Bridge in Hazelwood as part of the ongoing work of the Hazelwood Play Trail. This mural and additional play stops created as part of the Neighborhood Play Stop Project will be unveiled in July. Stay tuned for more information about the Hazelwood Play Trail!
  • Read on below for exciting events, a new blog post and more!

Events - click to see our events calendar

We are proud to partner with Global Wordsmiths for interpretation and translation services for Ultimate Play Day at the Whitehall Public Library in 2019!

Member Spotlight

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is a founding member of the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative. There is a natural synergy between the goals of environmental education, early childhood education, and play. There is research showing that unstructured play in nature is a foundational experience for people who grow up to become environmental stewards. 

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. 

May 1, 2019
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

Free Summer Fun in Downtown Pittsburgh!

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership develops and implements programs to enhance the Downtown neighborhood, cultivate a vibrant residential population and stimulate a diverse business community. We also promote and market Downtown Pittsburgh to millions of people as the region’s premier destination to live, work, and of course, PLAY! One of our main goals is to activate underused spaces in the city, such as parking lots, bridges, or alleyways, and transform them into playful event venues with engaging activities for children and adults alike. Having the opportunity to play within the chaos of city life or simply experiencing playfulness in an unexpected setting can be transformative, and we believe that keeping this focus helps our city remain vibrant and exciting year-round. Summertime is almost here, and we can’t wait for you to see what the PDP has planned for this season in Downtown. Come play with us!!

"We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
— George Bernard Shaw

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director
(412)421-3889 ext. 115

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative April Newsletter

We had a busy winter and are gearing up for an exciting spring. Click the images below to learn more about our winter play pop-ups, the Elizabeth Street Park and the Hazelwood Play Trail.

The latest news and events from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Images above from play pop-up events at Stepping Stones, Flowerhouse, East Hills Community Center and Andrew Bayne Memorial Library.
We had a busy winter and are gearing up for an exciting spring. Click the images below to learn more about our winter play pop-ups, the Elizabeth Street Park and the Hazelwood Play Trail.

Visit our website to learn more!


Black Child Play as Necessity and Resistance

Thursday, April 11, 2019
6:00pm to 9:00pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church Social Hall

Ultimate Play Day!

Sunday, May 19, 2019
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Whitehall Public Library

Member Spotlight

"We believe in getting everyone outside and that PLAY is one of the best things to do outside. Our participation in the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has helped us connect to an even great audience, engaging more people in playful activities in the outdoors."

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. 

April 1, 2019
All for All

Breaking Cultural Barriers is as Easy as Playing

We are lucky to live in a city that is becoming more diverse every year. The immigrant population in Pittsburgh continues to grow with more than 80,000 immigrants who now call our region home. owever this diversity also brings new challenges and barriers we need often struggle to overcome. As an immigrant myself, I know first hand that there are many barriers that new Americans face in this country. 

"We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
— George Bernard Shaw

Copyright © 2019 Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to hear the latest news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Sarah Siplak / Director
(412)421-3889 ext. 115

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative March Newsletter

The time for play is now!

Want to host a play pop-up but could use some guidance? Need to know more about recess and how you can help your children and your schools? Check out our newly updated website for info on play boxes and recess resources.

Read on below for upcoming play pop-ups, news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and more!

The time for play is now!

Want to host a play pop-up but could use some guidance? Need to know more about recess and how you can help your children and your schools? Check out our newly updated website for info on play boxes and recess resources.

Read on below for upcoming play pop-ups, news from the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and more!

Visit our website to learn more!


The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is proud to be a part of these play pop-ups:

There is a Pot of Gold at the End of Every Rainbow | March 13
Magic Night of Play | March 13
Play to Learn, Learn to Play | March 13
East Hills Senior Gathering | March 22
The Beautiful Shades of Us | March 23
Super Math Family Play Night | March 27
Block Party | March 30

Play pop-ups supported by The Great Remake by Remake Learning Network
See photos and learn more on our pop-up play page!

Click Here for Event Calendar

Member Spotlight

"Because of our partnership, we try to be more creative and mindful about providing play opportunities at all of our tabling and programming events. It also feels good to be supported and have access to play boxes if we need them! "

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. 

March 1, 2019
Carnegie Museum of Art


Art at the Market

Carnegie Museum of Art encourages you to play with your food! A new program, launched during farmer’s market season 2018, saw us sharing our love of fruits and vegetables with audiences in Swissvale, the North Side, and Wilkinsburg. Teaching artists and program director Valerie Herrero traveled to farmer’s markets in these communities to share art-making activities with children and families.


“Those who play rarely become brittle in the face of stress or lose the healing capacity for humor”— Stuart Brown, MD
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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Play Opportunities And More This Winter!

Looking for the next Big Playful Idea?

Our Unconference: Play for Change attendees are! The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is excited to announce eight Play for Change Big Idea grant recipients! Thanks to The Grable Foundation and The Benedum Foundation for their support of this effort. 

Looking for the next Big Playful Idea?

Our Unconference: Play for Change attendees are! The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is excited to announce eight Play for Change Big Idea grant recipients! Thanks to The Grable Foundation and The Benedum Foundation for their support of this effort. 
Grantees worked with their teams to come up with a Playful Big Idea to implement in their community. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

Visit our website to learn about the Play for Change grant!


The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative will be partnering with organizations in the Pittsburgh region on Pop-Up Play Days this winter. Thanks to the Great Remakegrant from the Remake Learning Network, there will be ten Play Pop-Ups taking place February 1 through April 1. Visit our events calendar to learn about upcoming events and the  Play Pop-Up Micro Grant.

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

February 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Playful Routines

UPMC Children’s Hospital’s Family Care Connection family supports centers work with families of young children often discussing routines as a key factor in preventative health and stress management for the whole family.

Routines have the power to create healthy balance within our personal lives and within our families. However, sometimes routines can become stale. Given the importance of routines, shouldn’t they be engaging, inspiring and playful instead? Here are some ideas to add excitement and thoughtful variation to routines. 



"If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play."
— John Cleese

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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative January Newsletter

With 2018 now behind us, we're excited to see how playful we can be in 2019! But first, let's see how we played in 2018:

Well hello, 2019!

With 2018 now behind us, we're excited to see how playful we can be in 2019! But first, let's see how we played in 2018:

  • We hosted a successful 6th annual Ultimate Play Day at August Wilson Park as part of Remake Learning Days!

  • We were a part of (or hosted) over 40 play pop-ups in 16 communities!

  • We worked with a team of PLAYers to reach the final stages of transformation of the Elizabeth St. Parklet and KaBOOM! playground in Hazelwood (stay tuned for a celebration in early summer!)

  • We received funding for our project, The Neighborhood Play Stop Project in Hazelwood from the Play Everywhere Challenge. This project will be ongoing throughout 2019!

  • We hosted a successful UnConference: Play for Change! We released a grant opportunity for attendees and will be announcing recipients in a few weeks!

  • We released a play pop-up micro grant for PA and WV. The grant application closes January 15th, so be sure to check it out if you want to host a pop-up!

  • As co-lead on the Recess Advocacy Team, we surveyed over 800 Allegheny County teachers, parents and administrators to inform how we will progress as a team!

*WHEW* What a year! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see what exciting opportunities/projects/play we'll unveil this year!

Looking forward to playing more this year!

Visit our website to learn more!

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do. 

January 1, 2019
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Trying Together

Advocating for Recess

In the summer of 2017 Trying Together wrote the post Right to Recess to highlight the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits of recess and to provide researched best practices and advocacy tips. Just a few months later, beginning in October 2017, a team of 15 organizations interested in advocating for recess and play began meeting on a monthly basis. The recess advocacy team is a group of organizations dedicated to health and wellness, education, and play with a focus on recess practices and policies in pre-k through 6th grade in Allegheny County. A survey served as the first step in an effort to gather information on school recess practices. The survey was distributed in both English and Spanish and gave us insight into practices, perceptions, and policies on recess throughout the county.


Check out some photos of our play pop-ups below:

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
— Fred Rogers
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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

We're Making Room For Play This Winter And We Want To Help You Too!

Did you know research points to a direct correlation between play and stress reduction? We want to play and reduce stress with you this winter! We're looking to partner with YOU to do a play pop-up! Check out the play pop-up micro grant opportunity here, thanks to support from the Remake Learning Network's Great RemakeAnyone can apply, so don't miss out on this play pop-up opportunity!

Did you know research points to a direct correlation between play and stress reduction? We want to play and reduce stress with you this winter! We're looking to partner with YOU to do a play pop-up! Check out the play pop-up micro grant opportunity here, thanks to support from the Remake Learning Network's Great RemakeAnyone can apply, so don't miss out on this play pop-up opportunity!

Friday December 14th is the application deadline for our Play for Change grant (open to attendees at our UnConference: Play for Change) and we'll be sharing information about the grant recipients and their projects over the next six months, so stay tuned!

We have many exciting announcements coming up in the new year, so don't forget to stay connected to us through this newsletter, our website, our social media accounts and the Recess Advocacy Team newsletter too!

Yours in play,
The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Visit our website to learn more!

Playful Spotlight

Each month we spotlight one of our wonderful partners and the work they do through audio collected and edited by SLB Radio. This month we share audio from area kids!

The Importance of Play - Click the link to hear kids from the Pittsburgh region talking about the importance of play to their learning and development.

“Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good”— Lucia Capocchione
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Nathan Davidson Nathan Davidson

Exciting News From The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative!

The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is a recipient of the Let's Play Everywhere Challenge!

Created by KaBOOM!, the national non-profit dedicated to giving all kids the childhood they deserve through play, and Let's Play , from Keurig Dr Pepper, the Let's Play Everywhere Challenge is about creating opportunities for free, unstructured, unplanned play. It is about ensuring all kids, no matter where they come from or where they live, get the active play they need to thrive.

The Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is a recipient of the Let's Play Everywhere Challenge!

Created by KaBOOM!, the national non-profit dedicated to giving all kids the childhood they deserve through play, and Let's Play , from Keurig Dr Pepper, the Let's Play Everywhere Challenge is about creating opportunities for free, unstructured, unplanned play. It is about ensuring all kids, no matter where they come from or where they live, get the active play they need to thrive.

Our project, the Neighborhood Play Stop Project, will continue the work of the Hazelwood Play Trail.

Monthly Blog

This article is part of our Member Blog Series, which showcases Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members' efforts and commitment to ensure that play is a critical element in the lives of people of all ages. Each month, a different member organization will share their take on how play is a part of the work they do.

November 1, 2018
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Member Blog
Carnegie Science Center

Advocating for Play in Adult Programming

Have you ever been intimidated to take a math or science course? Does infectious disease epidemiology, physics or calculating derivatives sound like fun? Mostly no...BUT what if we explored epidemiology through an interactive game of zombie apocalypse...


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

-George Bernard Shaw

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