Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - October 2022


#SensoryPlay, and What It Means for Children and Adults

Stop, Look, and Listen 

As we dive into the concept of #SensoryPlay this month, I encourage you, no matter your age, to stop, look, and listen. We spend so much time running, buzzing, and moving through space, we forget to slow down and notice our surroundings, process what we see, smell, hear, and taste, and be truly present. It’s easy for adults to forget about the power of place, the effect of an environment, and the influence of sensation since we’re wrapped up in daily hullabaloo that seems to effectively numb us. This month, create an intentional change of pace in life. Take a moment to observe the world around you. Tap into the power of your senses. Take time this month to simply be: be in the world, be in your body, and be with yourself. 

When was the last time you noticed how soft or scratchy your shirt felt? Or how long has it been since you took a deep breath and paid attention to the temperature of the air as it flows through your nose or mouth? What about where you were the last time you noticed how puffy the clouds seemed or how big the moon appeared? Engaging with the senses not only increases our capacity to make astute observations or be self aware, it also means we’re attune to more opportunities of play. 

You might consider singing a song or writing a poem about the way the shirt on your back helps you relax or makes you scratch; how can you incorporate breathing exercises into your day to reinvigorate or relax you; why not paint, draw, or color something that you can share with someone? Connecting to our senses connects us to ourselves, our environments, and the people in our lives. 

Through my reading, I noticed a prominent trend that the benefits of sensory play are predominantly associated with groups of people like children or those with differing abilities. I’d like to stake a claim in the conversation that sensory play benefits every person, regardless of age or ability, and sensory play allows anyone to engage with the world in an atypical-modern-day way. Sensory play helps us all to slow down, practice mindfulness, and be present. It affords us discoveries of new insights about ourselves while connecting us in new ways with the people around us. 

How do you use your senses when you play? We’d love to hear about it! Remember play is also a mindset that incorporates curiosity, presence, and fun!

 - Adam James, Assistant Director, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
#SensoryPlay How Do You Play?

DIY Playful Sensory Activity

We love a good art project at Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative! With the sight of multi-colored leaves on trees and the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet, we were inspired to try a seasonal art activity perfect for all senses. Won't you join us by getting crafty with leaves?!

Check out the activities below. Then, send a picture of your leaf activity to us so that we can share them on social media (and so that our assistant director, Adam James, can hang your project in their office)? Email a picture of your finished product to Adam at

Playful Learning Landscapes (PLL) Features Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative’s Ultimate Play Day in Playful Learning Cities Video

A local, recently renovated Pittsburgh space, Liberty Green Park, was featured in PLL's latest video which also highlighted scenes from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Ultimate Play Day 2022!
Playful Learning Landscapes introduced its PLL City Network, which is helping to build momentum and engagement around playful learning in urban areas across the U.S. and abroad.

The video highlights the annual Ultimate Play Day event, which is held in Pittsburgh and hosted by Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.
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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Member Playhouse

Latest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative member news and updates
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is constantly growing to help advocate for play in and around Pittsburgh!

Welcome our Newest Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Members! 
  • Communities in Schools
  • Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • CitiParks
  • Child in Mind Consulting
Get to know the organizations and individuals joining the Pittsburgh Playful Collaborative as its newest members!
New Member Profiles

Become a Member of Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative

Are you part of an organization that values play? Do you want to get involved with an initiative with like-minded folks dedicated to advancing the role of play in their own work, lives, and communities? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative is just the space for you!

We’re always looking for new members, and we’d love to have you in the conversation. If you’re interested in joining the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative, please contact us at or fill out this form and our Assistant Director Adam James will contact you!

Join Us!

Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and International Play Association

As of July of 2022, Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative signed on to be an official member of the International Play Association (IPA).

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Upcoming Playful Events and Activities

Local programming from Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative members.
Featured Event: BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ at The Hub!
Wednesday, 11/9 | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Join Buzzword for food, crafts/activities, music, dancing, and of course, plenty of reading opportunities for children.

Those that attend will also get an opportunity to explore a “BUZZ Box”, a family engagement kit complete with a high-quality children's book and enriching activities that support early literacy skills and development.

Dinner will be served from 5:30 - 5:55 p.m. From 6 - 7 p.m., there will be a number of activities from the following Buzzword Collaborative Member organizations:
  • Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
  • Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
  • Carnegie Science Center
  • Trying Together / The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center
Carlow’s Dyslexia Center and Learning Lab will also be available to talk about literacy offerings and provide resources.
Event Details

Additional Playful Events In Pittsburgh

Find More Events

#SensoryPlay Resources

Sensory play is a tool for people of all ages and backgrounds that helps ground and connect us with the world and people around us. There are plenty of ways to access this information online, but Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has curated a list for you to access. You’ll find resources geared for young people, tailored to adults, and framed for a range of abilities.

These articles, webinars, and videos are a great place to start for a better understanding of sensory play in practice.

Click on the topic that feels right for you to learn more. 
Sensory Play for Young People Resources
Sensory Play Adult Resources
Sensory Play Webinar Opportunities

New Game Rental Form

Did you know that Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative has a vast library of games, playboxes, and equipment to help you infuse play into your next event? Did you know that we recently updated our Google Form? That’s because we have a slew of new games and equipment that we can’t wait for you to borrow at no cost. If your organization has an event approaching, borrow some games or play equipment, and make the day one for the scrapbooks!
Borrow Games and Equipment

Share Your Playful Events with the Collaborative

Are you hosting an event and you want to get the word out about it? Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative can help! We developed this tool just for you. Simply visit the link to our Event Submission Form, and select the channels you’d like your event promoted through (including Kidsburgh), and let us take care of the rest!
We’re happy to promote your playful event on our website, through our newsletter, and through social media. If you have questions, reach out to us at
Submit Your Event

"There are many ways for organisms to probe the external world. Some smell it, others listen to it, many see it. Each species, therefore, lives in its own unique sensory world of which other species may be
partially or totally unaware."

–  Richard Axel, American Molecular Biologist 


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Our mailing address is:
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
c/o Trying Together 
5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

For questions, contact:
Adam James Zahren/ Assistant Director 
(412) 421-3889

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Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - November 2022


Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative Update - September 2022