Recess Advocacy
Educate and advocate for the importance of recess.
Engage with children, families, and educators on recess experiences.
Establish a resource for recess-related advocacy, policy, and best practices for both families and educators.
Engage stakeholders (additional organizations, parents, community members, teachers, principals, etc.) to support recess advocacy work.
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Recess: Right or Privilege?
Experts argue that recess is necessary for a child's social and academic development, and skipping it as punishment for misbehavior or to accommodate more seat time is a serious mistake.
The Recess Advocacy Team Is:
Action for Healthy Kids
Allegheny County Health Department
Allies for Children
A+ Schools
ATL Parent Like a Boss (Parent LAB)
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Department of Health and Physical Activity, University of Pittsburgh
Environmental Charter School
Let's Move Pittsburgh
Office of the Mayor, City of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative
Propel Schools
Trying Together
United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania's fitUnited
Women for a Healthy Environment
Looking for resources about recess?
Check out our archive for documents, research, and infographics on the benefits of recess!