Recess Advocacy Team - March 2019 Newsletter

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Recess News

Recess helps students reach their full potential

Spring is almost here! Hopefully it brings warmer weather and more time outside!

Read on for grant opportunities and resources to support recess and physical activity.
Also check out our newly redesigned website for more info!
Learn More on Our Website

Recess Champions

In addition to recess, our school offers movement breaks. This could mean mindfulness, yoga, or even certain websites like "Go Noodle."  Physical movement allows students to interact with their peers, let off steam, and refocus for classroom instruction. 

- Northgate School District Teacher

Tips & Resources

Grant Opportunities:

Let's Move Pittsburgh Champion Schools Award - Let’s Move Pittsburgh, with support from The Heinz Endowments, announced the 2019 Champion Schools Awards! The grant aims to help licensed early childcare centers, pre-kindergarten, and elementary schools in Allegheny County become the healthiest places for kids to learn and grow. The application deadline is Friday, April 12th at 5 pm.

Action for Healthy Kids - Applications are currently being accepted for school grants for the 2019-2020 school year. Schools may apply for (1) Breakfast grants to pilot or expand their school breakfast programs; (2) Game On grants to fund nutrition and physical activity initiatives, including recess programs and refurbishing projects; or (3) schools and parents can apply for parent-led grants to bring health and wellness programs to their children’s schools. The application deadline is April 5, 2019. 

Highmark Foundation School Grants and Awards Programs - The Highmark Foundation works in partnership with schools and communities to determine what changes made within schools will bring about system-wide improvement to children's overall health. Applications are approved on a rolling basis and will be accepted until December 31, 2019. 

Recess Resources:

Recess Advocacy Team Resource Archive:
One of our goals is to continue to add resources for recess-related advocacy, policy, and best practices for both families and educators.
Check out our newly launched and up-to-date guide with resources and research about recess.

Go Noodle Indoor Recess Remixes:
Movement and Mindfulness for Kids is a website with videos promoting physical activity along with academic, social, and emotional learning.
It is great for indoor resource activities or a quick classroom physical activity break. It's free to sign up and easy to use!

Get up and move! 


Partner Spotlight

Allies for Children builds alliances and serves as a bold voice for policy and practice changes that improve the wellbeing of all children in Allegheny County, specifically focusing on areas of health and education policy. We recognize physical activity and play are crucial not only for children's health but also for their performance in the classroom. Because the issue of recess spans both our core policy areas, Allies for Children is proud to serve on the Recess Advocacy Team and work to ensure children have access to recess.
In 2018, Allies for Children and its partners succeeded in collecting a history-making 63,499 signatures to qualify a question for the ballot asking Allegheny County to create a fund dedicated to early learning, after school programs, and nutritious meals for kids. Here, the Allies for Children team pauses for a photo at a petition signing event.
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Recess Advocacy Team - April 2019 Newsletter


Recess Advocacy Team - February Newsletter