April Playful Pittsburgh Partner Highlights

Playful Pittsburgh has many amazing partners across the city and each month we would like to take a moment to spotlight our tier 2 and 3 partners and all the work they are doing to contribute to play equity. 

Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse:

The Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse (PCCR) is a non-profit that inspires creativity, conservation, and community engagement through reuse. Located in Wilkinsburg, Homewood, and Point Breeze, they operate a non-traditional art supply shop where the community can donate used art and craft supplies, as well as shop for craft supplies. In addition, PCCR facilitates hands-on creative programming that educates the public about the benefits of reuse for the environment, community, and self.

PCCR values play because it is the basis for problem-solving, creativity, relationship building, and many other skills we use constantly! And having fun is good for our brains. At PCCR, they are playing constantly - Whether it's being creative with program participants, having fun and engaging staff meetings, or just curating our space to inspire creativity through fun signs and displays - it's everywhere!

How to Connect with the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse:

To connect with The Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, visit their website or connect with them on Instagram or Facebook

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: 

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is an organization guided by its mission of literacy, exploration, and community connections. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is a destination space for information, technology, community building, social connection, and fun.

At Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, we believe that play is a powerful and necessary part of life. Play drives learning, growth, innovation, and happiness—for children, teens, and adults, through all ages and stages of life. By offering play and playful opportunities and sharing the different ways that play can be incorporated into daily life, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh supports community members in designing their own play and playful experiences.

How to Connect with Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh:

To connect with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, visit their website or connect with them on Instagram or Facebook.


Buzzword Day at the Theater


United Nations Designates June 11 as International Day of Play